Department of Business Administration

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Retail management theory

5 weeks, 2nd round

Kim Kyung-hoe

electronic board

Principles of Accounting

4 weeks, 1nd round

Park Jeong-Yeon


Service business management

7 weeks, 2nd round

Yoo Jaeheung

ChromaKey Mixing

Department of Real Estate

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Real Estate Development Theory

1 weeks, 2nd round

Jeon Byeong-Sik


Real Estate Management Theory

1 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Jae-Hee

Electronic Whiteboard

Real Estate Appraisal Theory

8 weeks, 3nd round

Kwon Ho-Geun


Beauty Business Department

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Basic Nail Care Practice

7 weeks, 3nd round

Ahn Eun-Joo

Practical Training

Beauty Coordination

7 weeks, 1nd round

Kim Ri-Na

Practical Training

Beauty Business Regulations

13 weeks, 1nd round

Kim Jung-Yeon,



9 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Young-Ok

Practical Training

Department of Elderly Welfare

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

health communication

2 weeks, 1nd round

Jeong Sujeong

Electronic Whiteboard
Attached video

Oriental Health Sciences

1 weeks, 1nd round

Han Yun Seung


Health for the Elderly

13 weeks, 3nd round

Shim Hyunbin


Department of Social Welfare

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Mental Health Theory

6 weeks, 3nd round

Choi Kyung-ok

ChromaKey Mixing

Women's Welfare Theory

1 weeks, 3nd round

Park Mihyun

Electronic Whiteboard

Disability Welfare Theory

2 weeks, 3nd round

Park Kyung


Department of Counseling Psychology

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Counseling Theory and Practice

7 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Hyunmi


Clinical Field Practice 2

7 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Hyunmin


Clinical Psychology

14 weeks, 1nd round

Kim Jae-kyung


Department of Child and Family Counseling

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Child Art

6 weeks, 2nd round

Hong In-Sil


Early Childhood Development

9 weeks, 2nd round

Kim Young-Mi


Early Childhood Teaching Methods

2 weeks, 1nd round

Kwon Suk-Jin

ChromaKey Mixing

Special Counseling Therapy Department

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Counseling Psychology

10 weeks, 1nd round

Lee Joo-Yeon

Electronic Whiteboard

Humanism of Emotions 2

1 weeks, 2nd round

Lee Young-Joo

Attached video

Art Therapy and Counseling

7 weeks, 1nd round

So Hee-Jung

Attached video

Department of Health Sports

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Health Exercise Management Seminar

2 weeks, 1nd round

Shin Jeong-Yeop,


Sports Rehabilitation

4 weeks, 2nd round

Oh Doo-Hwan

Electronic Whiteboard

Elderly Physical Education

4 weeks, 2nd round

Kim Tae-Sang


Department of Safety and Health Engineering

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Risk Machinery Safety

6 weeks, 3nd round

Im Tae-Young

Attached video

Construction Safety

2 weeks, 1nd round

Park Chun-Sung


Electrical Safety

4 weeks, 1nd round

Kim Bong-Jun


Department of Well-Being Rural landscaping Landscape

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Plant Cultivation and Protection

7 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Wan-Soo

an interview video

6th Industrial Flower Tea

14 weeks, 2nd round

Park Seok-Geun

an interview video


12 weeks, 2nd round

Yoon Mi-Ra

Electronic Whiteboard
Attached video

Major in Lifelong Education

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Integrated Art Psychology

5 weeks, 2nd round

Jeon Jung-Min

크로마키 혼합

Youth Education Theory

2 weeks, 3nd round


크로마키 혼합

Elderly Education Theory

9 weeks, 1nd round

Hong Seung-Jeong

Attached video

Major in Korean Language Education

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Evaluation of Korean as a Foreign Language

3 weeks, 1nd round

Kim So-Hyun


Understanding Korean as a Foreign Language Education Theory

9 weeks, 1nd round

Jang Hyun-Muk


Department of Entertainment Studies

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Individual Media Production

11 weeks, 7nd round

Park Jun-Ha


General Knowledge of Theater

7 weeks, 2nd round

Park Kyung

Electronic Whiteboard
Attached video

Multi-Media Acting

3 weeks, 1nd round

Yoon Si-Jung

Electronic Whiteboard

K-POP Composition Method

5 weeks, 2nd round

Lee Jung-Won


Department of Internet Broadcasting

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Audio Recording and Editing Techniques

7 weeks, 3nd round

Lee Jung-Won


Voice & Speech

1 weeks, 1nd round

Park Bo-Kyung

ChromaKey Mixing

Understanding Photography Techniques

12 weeks, 3nd round

Kim Na-Yeon


Department of General Studies

Subject name Parking Professor Form of production Watching videos

Understanding Cultural Contents

2 weeks, 2nd round

Song Si-Hyung

ChromaKey Mixing

Basic Computer Software Utilization

10 weeks, 2nd round

Jung Mi-Kyung


Happy Communication

12 weeks, 3nd round

Woo Young-Mi

ChromaKey Mixing

Basics and Application of Big Data

6 weeks, 3nd round

Lee Jung-Myung
